got a question?
learn more about SuperMouth
in the FAQ section below
in the FAQ section below

got a question?
learn more about SuperMouth
in the FAQ section below
in the FAQ section below
Product Questions
What type of toothbrush should I use?
What type of toothpaste should I use?
Is fluoride safe?
What’s a good non-fluoride toothpaste?
Tell me about hydroxyapatite in your products.
What’s unique about your toothpastes, mouthwashes and flosses?
What products do you have for bad breath?
What products do you have for dry mouth?
Are your products safe to swallow?
Are your products safe for pregnant women or nursing?
What is the shelf-life of your products?
What age group are your products recommended for?
Do you have any research on the safety and efficacy of your products?
How is SuperMouth different from other brands?
Are your products allergen-friendly?
What makes SuperMouth unique?
Are your products tested on animals?
Why do you still use nano-hydroxyapatite in your fluoride products?
Does your toothpaste/mouthwash whiten teeth?
Do your products help with sensitivity?
Do your products have fluoride?
Do you make fluoride-free toothpaste/mouthwash?
What are the ingredients in your products?
What’s the concentration of nano-hydroxyapatite in your toothpastes?
Why do you use nano-hydroxyapatite versus micro-hydroxyapatite?
Is nano-hydroxyapatite safe?
What’s the relative dentinal abrasivity (RDA) of your toothpaste?
What is a system?
What’s included in each system?
What are the benefits of subscribing to your products?
Why do you use glycerine in your products?
How can dentists, physicians, and hygienists join SuperMouth Pro?
Do you offer wholesale opportunities?
Account Questions
Shipping Questions
Safety Questions
Habits and Usage Questions
Company Questions